
Ansible is an IT automation tool which deploys software and configures systems on multiple servers using SSH protocol. Python based Ansible stores information about deployment and configuration in a yaml format file, named Ansible Playbook. Tasks defined in the playbook allows you to have identical configurations and software across multiple machines in your infrastructure. This section, we introduce basic commands of ansible to introduce Ansible software on FutureSystems. In the next section, we will explore advanced use of ansible on FutureSystems.

Tutorial: Ansible Basic commands


approximate time 45 minutes

In this tutorial, we are going to learn basic commands of Ansible software. Keep in mind that ansible is a main program and playbook is a template that you would like to use. You may have several playbooks in your Ansible.



In order to continue, ensure you have loaded the appropriate modules and registered a key with openstack. The modules needed are:

  • python
  • openstack

Additionally, you can manage virtual machines using the openstack web portal. The login credentials are:

  • username: your FutureSystems portal id
  • password: the value of OS_PASSWORD in ~/.cloudmesh/clouds/india/kilo/

Ansible has two types of servers: a control machine and a managed node. Typically, a single control machine executes tasks over the one or more nodes.

Control machine

You will use your personal VM as our control machine. Let’s install Ansible from via PyPI, if you haven’t installed.

You will create a seperate virtualenv for this:

$ virtualenv $HOME/bdossp-sp16
$ source $HOME/bdossp-sp16/bin/activate

Now install Ansible:

$ pip install --trusted-host ansible

Managed machines

We need to launch some virtual machines. Go to the openstack web portal. Make sure that the correct projectid is selected in the top left (just to the right of the “openstack” logo”). For example, fg491 or fg465. Go to Compute ---> Instances ---> Launch Instance to start the procedure for launching an instance. Make sure to provide an instance name and specify a keypair.

Launch several instances, say three. Once they launch, note down the IP addresses. We will need these later.


As a sanity check, make sure you can ssh into these nodes from india:

$ ssh ubuntu@$IP

where $IP is the IP address of the instance you noted down.


Ansible works by executing modules on an inventory of machines. Since many machines can be managed, this inventory is written to a file. Within the inventory file, groups of machines can be named arbitrarily. These names should have some meaning however: for example “production”, “development”, and “testing” may be appropriate names.

The modules executed update the state of the machine. For instance, the apt module allows software to be installed. While the shell module exists and is a convenient way to execute shell commands on the managed nodes it is run every time. Other modules, like apt, allow ansible to be intelligent about changing state: only necessary modifications are done. For instance, of an application is already installed, there is not reason to reinstall.

Since ansible requires ssh access from controller to managed nodes, it can be run as an unpriviledged user, rather than requiring administrative access on the controller.

The ansible.cfg file can be used to override certain ansible configuration settings.

Please see the ansible documentation for further details.

Using Ansible

Now that we have some nodes we wish to manage, let us use ansible to control them.


First, we need our inventory of managed machines. Create an inventory.txt file with contents similar to the following:



Do not copy-and-paste this. Use the IP addresses of the machines you started earlier.

Ansible SSH Configuration

We need to override some of ansible default ssh settings. Create a ansible.cfg file with the following contents:

ssh_args = -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null

These options modify the behavior of ssh when connecting to the managed nodes. Disabling the StrictHostKeyChecking option prevents ssh from requiring that the node be present in you ~/.ssh/known_hosts file. SSH will still update the file and so we override UserKnownHostsFile.


If you are using a different ssh key for authentication, such as one generated by OpenStack’s nova keypair-add command, you can specify the path to the private key in the ansible.cfg file by adding:

-o IdentityFile=~/.ssh/$PORTALID-india-key

Shell module: Hello World

Let’s try to run ‘echo Hello World’ over the nodes.

ansible all -i inventory.txt -u ubuntu -a "echo Hello World"

An explanation of the flags:

  • -i specifies the inventory file
  • -u specifies the user on the managed machines
  • -c use ssh rather than paramiko so that our overrides in ansible.cfg take effect.
  • -a specifies the module arguments to run.

You expect to see: | success | rc=0 >>
Hello World | success | rc=0 >>
Hello World

Ping module

Run a simple command “ping”.

ansible all -i inventory.txt -u ubuntu -c ssh -m ping

You expect to see: | success >> {
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"
} | success >> {
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"

More examples

You can find more examples from here:


The main tutorial from Ansible is here: