OpenStack Horizion Web Dashboard

On FutureSystems, we have a web interface for OpenStack cloud management, OpenStack Horizon. It supports most functionality that you can use to manage cloud resources via commannd line tools such as Nova Compute CLI with graphical illustration.


OpenStack Horizon is a GUI for managing OpenStack cloud. It is mainly developed by a open source web application framework, Django and Python. Some of the JavasScript and CSS libraries are also included such as, jQuery, AngularJS, D3, Font-Awesome, Jasmine, Qunit, Rickshaw, etc.

Source code of Horizon (GitHub)

If you are interested in Horizon Source code, visit: GitHub:

Horizon on FutureSystems

Horizon endpoints
Image Version Machine Protocol Description
image-horizon Kilo India_OpenStack_Kilo Native OpenStack GUI for OpenStack

Getting Started

  • Open the following URL: India_OpenStack_Kilo
  • Use OS_USERNAME and OS_PASSWORD as a User Name and Password on Horizon. You can find your OS_USERNAME and OS_PASSWORD in the ~/.cloudmesh/clouds/india/kilo/


If you are using other versions of OpenStack on FutureSystems, try to find your identity file with the following pattern of the path. $HOME/.cloudmesh/clouds/[cloud host]/[openstack version]/[ or]

$ cat ~/.cloudmesh/clouds/india/kilo/
export OS_USERNAME=albert
export OS_PASSWORD=**********
export OS_TENANT_NAME=fg465
export OS_AUTH_URL=
export OS_CACERT=~/.cloudmesh/clouds/india/kilo/cacert.pem
  • Select a project that you would like to use at the project selection link at the top left-hand corder of the page next to the OpenStack title image.
  • Choose a component that you would like to use among Compute, Network, or Orchestration.

Usage Summary

The Overview page in the Compute tab shows current usage of OpenStack cloud resources on your account. You can also have a summary reports for a certain period to see resource utilization, for example, how many VM instances were being used, or how many IP addresses were allocated.


  • Try other features on Horizon.
    • See detailed information of your virtual server.
    • Attach a floating ip address to your virtual server and confirm it is accessible.


To find your password, find the OS_PASSWORD field in your See the comment above for details.